Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Part One
Chapter X

Rogozhin, Lebedev, and Zalyozhev enter. It's clear that Rogozhin and Ganya definitely have some history, and believes the rumor of him marrying Nastasya - "So it's true!"

Rogozhin is a bit intoxicated and is being dramatic, he speaks about buying people out and bragging about his money. Maybe he is intoxicated by his inheritance.
He drops a question to Ganya, "like a lost man, as if addressing some sort of divinity, but with the boldness of a man condemned to death, who has nothing more to lose."

Ganya lies, saying "absolutely not, what's the matter with you?"

Rogozhin presents him a hefty some of rubles and 18,000 for Nastasya. It's not clear what for, but he is certainly acting bombastic. The scene was getting ugly. Suddenly, Ganya tries to strike his sister, but Prince blocks him. Ganya gets upset and plainly strikes the Prince in the face.

Kolya and the others are shocked.

Famously, Prince announces to Ganya in response, "Oh, how ashamed you'll be of what you've done!"
It seems to be a Christ-like thing to other say. Turning the other cheek...

Rogozhin joins: "You'll be ashamed, Ganka, to have offended such a ... sheep!"
It seemed to turn Nastasya into something more animated, and she rejoins by saying she's seen the Prince before. Rogozhin's crowd leaves.

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